20 of the Best Kylie Jenner Quotes of 2014

Being a part of one of the most famous families in the country or the world for that matter cant be an easy job, but somebody has to do it. In the Kardashian/Jenner family, its 17-year-old Kylie Jenner that has the job of being the youngest sibling in a house full of older

Being a part of one of the most famous families in the country – or the world  for that matter – can’t be an easy job, but somebody has to do it. In the Kardashian/Jenner family, it’s 17-year-old Kylie Jenner that has the job of being the youngest sibling in a house full of older siblings. She’s just as gorgeous as her sisters, but she hasn’t quite chosen her own category in terms of which sister she’s most like, and what she wants to do for a living when she’s a little older. She’s a bit of the black sheep from time-to-time with her black lipstick and colorful hair. She’s always got something to say on Twitter, however.

“Don’t listen to what people say, because they don’t know the truth,”

The truth is that this is a tweet the reality television star posted online after she realized she was being gossiped about yet again. She’s no stranger to the negative media that comes along with being famous, but that doesn’t mean she has to like it or live with it. She’s going to stand up for herself when times call for it.

“Rob is my best friend.”

Sometimes your phone is just sitting around and suddenly your older brother finds it and he posts tweets to your Twitter account. The good news is that he can express his sister’s love for himself on her Twitter page in less than 140 characters. Or maybe she really just loves her brother. It could go either way, but the people loved this particular tweet, “Rob is my best friend.” It also goes to show that you should never leave your phone anywhere that a wayward brother might find it and decide to hack your personal social media pages.

“Try getting to know someone before making assumptions”

She may be a teenager, but that doesn’t mean that Kylie Jenner doesn’t know what it’s like to have some life issues. The teen is one that knows firsthand that most people like to make assumptions long before they ever get to know someone, and it’s not awesome. Hopefully this particular tweet sent a good message out to other girls her age or those younger who look up to her. “Try getting to know someone before making assumptions,” is the kind of intelligent quote that people need hear.

“I’ve never photoshopped an Instagram photo. It was fuzzy from the app I used. So end of story thank u”

After being accused of photo shopping photos on her Instagram account, the reality star decided to take it to the next level and take out her frustrations on Twitter. She posted this tweet to let her “haters” know she doesn’t bother photo shopping her photos. And let’s be honest; she doesn’t need to. She’s lovely on her own and doesn’t need to photo shop her photos, and it’s a good message to send to her followers.

“I wasn’t caught making out with anyone at my sister’s wedding,”

That was her statement when rumors began swirling that she was spotted making out with someone at Kim’s wedding. When Kylie’s big sister, Kim Kardashian, married rapper Kanye West earlier this summer, the reality star had to face a few rumors. Namely a rumor that she was caught making out with someone at her sister’s wedding. This tweet speaks for itself when the reality star points out that she was not caught making out with anyone at any wedding, her sister’s included.

“Puberty is a beautiful thing”

It’s an interesting concept to think that puberty is a great thing, but that’s what Kylie Jenner thinks of the life changing moment when a little girl becomes a young woman. “Puberty is a beautiful thing,” is the statement she made on Twitter. Who really knows what she’s trying to say here other than the fact that she’s not a hater of those awkward years when you’re no longer a girl, but not yet a woman (thank you to Britney Spears for that one).

“These plastic surgery rumors hurt my feelings to be honest and are kinda insulting.”

After being accused of having a few things done at the tender age of 16, she admitted to her followers on Twitter that she was a bit hurt. And who wouldn’t be hurt to hear some of the things that people were saying about her? It’s one thing to mock the looks of a woman who is old enough to understand that people are cruel at times, but a young girl doesn’t quite have the confidence and self-esteem not to hear those words of anger and cruelty.

“If people only really knew,”

If the people of the world only knew what Kylie Jenner was talking about with this tweet from earlier in 2014. “If people only really knew,” she says. Of course, we don’t know what she’s talking about, but we can speculate. Perhaps she’s talking about who much we don’t know what it’s like to be famous at 16 or what it’s like to have so many people following your every move, or what it’s like to the be the youngest girl in a line of gorgeous beauties with successful careers and not to have made a name as a model just quite yet. The truth is that this is a line we could all do to remember at times, since we don’t really know what others are going through at any given point in time.

“Why do girls with their permit post pics of them driving I don’t understand lol”

And more importantly, why do girls with permits have parents in the vehicle with them that allow them to take selfies and post photos to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter while they’re driving…without a real license? We have to go with Kylie Jenner on this one; she’s got a good point. A great point would have been to ponder the question, “Why do people driving take photos of themselves?”

“We try so hard for the ones who always let us down”

The truth is that this is true for everyone at all times. It’s difficult to be the person who tries so hard to please others and make them proud, whether it’s friends, family or the one you love. When you try to make people happy and they don’t return the favor, it’s difficult. It’s also sad that a teenager can honestly make such a profound statement such as this one.

“Never love anybody who treats you like you’re ordinary,”

This is not something that Jenner said originally, but she did repeat it and that makes it a direct quote from her mouth. The concept behind this one is to do better than people who don’t deserve your time, and it’s so great to hear a girl of her age realize that it’s not cool to love people who don’t love you the way that you deserve. Kudos to Kylie for understanding that there is someone out there who will love her for something extraordinary.

“When people do things to intentionally try and hurt you or show you a point…Like no, you’re the one that has the issue”

This is a very profound thought for a girl of 17. It’s the truth. When people try to hurt others, they’re doing it because there is something wrong in their own lives and with their own thought process. Those that are in a good place don’t try and make it a point to hurt others. They help them and cheer for them.

“Never give myself to another the way I gave it to you”

Sometimes it’s difficult to be open and honest and real with other people, especially when they hurt you. From the sound of this tweet, Miss Jenner had her first experience with real hurt and it wasn’t a good one. What she doesn’t know is that she’s already making the statement that she’s going to close herself off from opening up to others, which is only going to hinder her future relationships, whether it’s romantically or just in her everyday friendships and familial relationships. “Never give myself to another the way I gave it to you,” could mean several things, but we think it means she’s not going to allow herself to be as open and honest in the future.

“Write all the articles you want about me, but don’t bring my friends into it,”

She said this after articles appeared about her friends in a negative light. As a part of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, Kylie understands what it’s like to be in the media and to be talked about by people all over the world. She doesn’t have to love it, but she gets it. She’s a part of the most famous family in the world. However, she does not like that people bring her friends into their articles and gossip pieces, and she’s upset about it.

“I’m 16 and still wanna be a kid sometimes,”

She says this of her old age and her feelings on growing up. At the ripe old age of 16, Kylie Jenner is already wishing to be a kid again. I guess she hasn’t quite realized that her age still makes her a kid. One day she’s going to be 31 and wish she was 16 again. And that’s the truth – some days. It’s a prime example of what’s going on in the minds of girls at this very sensitive and very tender age.

“So what I am trying to say is that there is a part of me you don’t see, so don’t go judging people if you haven’t walked a mile in their shoes,”

Since she’s the younger sister of Kim Kardashian, we’re guessing Kylie Jenner has some seriously amazing shoes, so we’d love to walk a mile in them. In all seriousness, however, it’s a good tale for those around her and everywhere. You shouldn’t judge others until you’ve lived their life and until you’ve been in their situation. It’s not fair and when a teenage girl has to point it out, you know it’s bad.

“People can say such mean things behind a computer screen, but will they ever say it to ur face? No. So ignore it. Everyone is beautiful,”

She says this of the mean comments people love to say about her and her family on the computer. The truth is that cyber-bullying is real, and it’s not good. You can be honest about your opinion without being cruel or mean. You can dislike people and have your own feelings, but using the computer to bash people for their looks or their family is wrong – and that’s all there is to it. And no, most of them probably won’t say it out loud.

“It may not always look like it on the show, but our sisters are just really good role models,”

The three eldest Kardashian sisters are often crazy, whacky and a little on the not-such-a-good-role-model side, but that doesn’t mean they’re not. We all make questionable choices, but that doesn’t mean that three career-driven, successful women who’ve made names for themselves aren’t good role models for their younger sisters.

“I have the funniest family hands down,”

She says this of her large and bold family. She’s right. No matter how you feel about the Kardashian/Jenner clan, it’s safe to say they are funny. They can take jokes, make jokes and have a good time almost everywhere. And we have to agree that Kylie’s dad, Bruce Jenner, might be the funniest one of all of them. He’s a pretty sarcastic and serious guy, and we think that he’s the best one.

“Sunsets are my favorite things in the whole wide world,”

She says this of watching the setting sun. Take it from me, sunsets in Southern California are absolutely beautiful and breathtaking, and Jenner likely gets to see some of the world’s most amazing sunsets in the world. It also says a lot about her that she recognizes the beauty of the setting sun and the end of a day. Most people prefer the rising sun because it stands for a new day, but the setting sun is equally as beautiful and meaningful.

Images via Getty

