All Diablo 4 Necromancer Malignant Hearts

Necromancers have become more powerful thanks to the introduction of Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant. Much like other classes, a total of four Necromancer-exclusive Malignant hearts have been released, one for each heart type. These hearts can be equipped and socketed to your gears to gain unique effects and powerful bonuses.

Necromancers have become more powerful thanks to the introduction of Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant. Much like other classes, a total of four Necromancer-exclusive Malignant hearts have been released, one for each heart type. These hearts can be equipped and socketed to your gears to gain unique effects and powerful bonuses.

These Malignant Hearts can be crafted in Cormond's Workbench using materials called Ichors or by defeating corrupted monsters in the Malignant Tunnels. It is crucial to understand that while you cannot directly make a heart with the desired effect, you can create a particular Malignant heart type to raise your chances of doing so.

All Necromancer Malignant heart types in Diablo 4 explained

The first season of Diablo 4 saw the release of 32 Malignant Hearts. 12 of these are of general type, meaning any class can pick it up for their own use. However, each class gets four exclusive Malignant hearts, one for each Brutal, Vicious, Devious, and Wrathful heart type.

Below are the Malignant Hearts exclusive to the Necromancer class, including details on the socket type and effects.

  • The Sacrilegious (Vicious, Offensive): Upon treading near a corpse, an equipped Corpse skill is automatically activated, which inflicts 30-40 percent reduced damage.
  • The Deceprit Aura (Brutal, Defensive): Gain an aura that curses nearby enemies with Decrepify when you are nearby five enemies. The effect lasts for 5-15 seconds.
  • Frozen Terror (Devious, Utility): Lucky Hit: Gain a 10-20 percent chance of inflicting Fear which lasts up to two and a half seconds. Enemies inflicted with fear are Chilled for 20 percent every second.
  • The Great Feast (Wrathful, Super): Each Minion deals 50–75 percent more damage but drains 1.0–2.0 Essence per second. This bonus applies to you when you have no minions. It also consumes five Essence per second.

These Malignant Hearts scale according to your level, and the numbers above are based on a Level 20 character in the Seasonal Realm. With the exception of The Great Feast, which is only available on World Tier 4, all of these hearts can be gained on any World Tier. Note that all class-exclusive Wrathful hearts can only be obtained on World Tier 4.

It is also worthwhile to note that although Necromancers have their own set of Malignant hearts, you can still choose among the 12 general Malignant heart types. You can freely customize your gear sets according to your desired Malignant heart effect.

What happens to Malignant Hearts after Season 1?

Malignant Hearts are only available in Seasonal Realm (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Unfortunately, once you return to the Eternal Realm after the season, Malignant Hearts won't be available. You must use the power boost right now to advance in the Diablo 4 Battle Pass rankings because these unique items are only useable during the Season of the Malignant.

The season is set to end on October 2023, although it might still change depending on how the current season goes. There may be adjustments in case players need enough time to complete all challenges and events offered in Season of the Malignant.

That's all for the Necromancer Malignant Hearts list. Check this article if you are interested to know the class-exclusive offerings for Sorcerers.

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