Ben Bowlby, Deltawing, Q&A

What is the background to the DeltaWing project?It was born out of the fact that motor racing, particularly in the States where Ive been based for some years, has become dominated by spec formulae which stifle design and innovation. The rules are so tight that the cars are basically all the same. I was

Ben Bowlby
What is the background to the DeltaWing project?

It was born out of the fact that motor racing, particularly in the States where I’ve been based for some years, has become dominated by spec formulae – which stifle design and innovation. The rules are so tight that the cars are basically all the same. I was witnessing the decline in interest in motor racing, seeing my own kids growing up and asking why they had to watch the race as ‘it was so boring’. I realised that I was part of a dinosaur industry… or one at least at risk of becoming a dinosaur.

But the popular perception is that motor sport improves the breed, that technical innovation starts on the race track.
It’s surprising how little is developed in racing, strangely enough. Most of it is developed for the road and applied on the track. I feel like I’ve had to study motorsport philosophy over the last three years of getting this project rolling. What motorsport does is change people’s perceptions of the technology or what’s cool. For example, when diesels started winning Le Mans they stopped being perceived as clunky old things that you wouldn’t want. Suddenly they were ‘race track’ proven, desirable, even cool.

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So how did that lead to DeltaWing?
I learned that the auto industry wanted to bring a four-cylinder 1.6-litre turbo global race engine into play. This would mean they had an engine format in line with what they were planning to manufacture for the road, as part of a global downsizing programme in search for increased efficiency. So what we needed was a race car ¬- one that was probably not part of the current regulations – that would maximise the benefits of an engine like that and achieve the performance we all expect from a premier status racing car.

Conventional wisdom would suggest that a 1.6-litre wouldn’t provide extreme race car performance.
You have to have extraordinary performance but you also need to do it with the technology that the auto industry is trying to focus on. So DeltaWing was born out us asking ourselves how we could use one of these small engines to go just as fast and consequently use less fuel, fewer tyres and so on. Efficiency needed to be the fundamental overt element of the car. It’s what I’ve done all my career; making my cars more efficient from a mass standpoint and from an aerodynamic standpoint than my rivals. DeltaWing was what I came up with as an answer to how to go just as fast on less.

Why Le Mans?
When we presented the concept to the ACO, they said it was fantastic. It encapsulated the spirit of Le Mans and was exactly right for ‘Garage 56′, the place in the pitlane set aside for experimental vehicles. DeltaWing shows that ahead of hybrid, bio-fuel, or electric technology we can explore other ways to improve efficiency. It follows a tradition at Le Mans which has seen experimental cars run there before, notably the Rover-BRM gas turbine car (which ran three times from 1963-65). Like the Rover-BRM we have been granted to run the ‘0′ number, which is very significant.

What challenges will you face at Le Mans?
The real challenge is that we are bringing a completely new car to Le Mans. More than that, no supplier has race-proven components suitable for a car that weighs half as much as an LMP-1 car on the shelf. We’ve done everything to meet our weight targets and the concept of the vehicle, and that means that we don’t yet know for sure that every component will survive a 24 Hour race.

What’s is it like to drive?
It’s got a very benign, but exciting, handling characteristic in that it is an oversteer limit vehicle. In other words, when you reach the threshold of grip the tendency is towards oversteer. This is unusual in a rear-engined racing car which, unless provoked, is normally an understeer limited vehicle with an inevitable snap oversteer event at the limit of control. In our case we will have progressively increasing oversteer, allowing the driver to counter steer and maintain that threshold condition in a very controlled way, something you can’t do in a car that understeers. From a racing driver’s standpoint understeer is an unstable condition because you can’t correct it other than by slowing the car and starting again, but with controlled oversteer – intrinsic in the layout of DeltaWing – it’s much more controllable.

What about the driving position?
The driver is further from the front wheels than usual, but if you look back at the early racing cars, the drivers were very comfortable further back. Drivers in DTM (Germany’s specialist touring car series) also sit a long way back in their cars and the feedback from them is that you get much more of an impression of what the car is doing by sitting over the rear wheels. You have to get used to it and first impressions are usually ‘whoa this thing is all over the shop’ but that’s because once you’ve sat much nearer the front wheels you typically haven’t had the yaw acceleration influence on your body so you’ve not felt it in the same way.

And Nissan’s involvement?
Nissan understood immediately what we were trying to do and they also saw that the car fitted their philosophy of making efficiency cool. Nissan has provided us with our first choice engine. It’s a spectacular piece. We’ve got the engine of our dreams: it’s the right weight, has the right power and it’s phenomenally efficient. And then there’s the credibility of having an OEM at Le Mans in the experimental class making history… which is what this is all about.

