By and By Caamp

Genre: Folk Mood: I wish I could explain in better words than down below I should have written about this album sooner. Oh well, I guess I am doing it now. Caamp is one of my favorite artists. I have written at least one other blog post about them and always share their music

Genre: Folk

Mood: I wish I could explain in better words than down below ↓

I should have written about this album sooner. Oh well, I guess I am doing it now. 

Caamp is one of my favorite artists. I have written at least one other blog post about them and always share their music on my Instagram stories. If I could sum up my favorite style of music, I would go to the Caamp Spotify page and press shuffle. 

Their music is wholesome and raw and real. The music they create makes me want to have a simple life— living on a lake somewhere, where no one can find me. It makes me question why I went to an Ivy League Institution if I could just live in a little house and listen and write about music all day long (someone hire me for music things k thanks). 

This album continues my love for their music. The flow of the album works perfectly with the high and low moods in the lyrics. I do not think they would have organized the songs in a better way. 

My favorite song off this album is for sure “By and By” which the song the album was named after. The lyrics “Are you a life force?” are some of the simplest and most powerful lyrics I think I have ever heard. The way the lyrics are simply sung just to ask the question, and yet the power behind those words. 

Don’t you want someone to ask “Are you a life force?” to you. To me, those lyrics say you must be a force of light just because its who you are. If someone truly genuinely asks you that, marry them, please. 

I wish I could talk about every song on the album. But you would be bored. Who knows you might have stopped reading by now. I could talk about how “Huckleberry love” reminds me of my dad who loves the taste of huckleberries. Or how “Penny, heads up” makes me want to go camping in the middle of spring when it’s a little too cold. 

Or how every time I’m homesick, I listen to “Feels Like Home”. 

Everybody has those bands/albums they absolutely love (Yes, I did ask my sisters to buy one of their t-shirts for their 21st birthday). Thank you all for allowing me to share this with you. I hope you listen and find the joy I do. 


The Music Bean

