Channing Tatum covers GQ: Im probably a pretty high-functioning alcoholic

At this point, I think we all understand that Channing Tatum is the best. Theres nothing you can really slam him for. Seriously. Try it. You want to say that hes not a talented actor? He can do action and comedy really, really well, which is more than most major actors out there. You want

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At this point, I think we all understand that Channing Tatum is the best. There’s nothing you can really slam him for. Seriously. Try it. You want to say that he’s not a talented actor? He can do action and comedy really, really well, which is more than most major actors out there. You want to say he’s not attractive? Millions of women find him sexy (including my mom and probably your mom too). You want to say he’s a big jerk? You can’t say that. Because he isn’t. He’s funny, charming, respectful, and everyone who works with him just adores him. Channing Tatum is the 21st century movie star – accessible, quietly talented, smarter than people realize, humble and ambitious. Anyway, Channing covers the new issue of GQ – you can read the full piece here (it obviously includes glowing quotes about Channing being awesome from everyone). Some highlights:

On alcohol: “I probably drink too much, you know. My wife, that’s what she bought into.… I’m probably a pretty high-functioning, I guess, you know, I would say, alcoholic, I guess. There’s probably a tendency to escape. I equate it to creativity, and I definitely equate it to having a good time.”

On Gambit: “The only superhero I really followed.… He was the most real to me: smoking, drinking, women-loving, thief. He just looked cool to me. I’ve always loved him. And obviously he’s Cajun.”

On his invisible friend: “His name was Boy. I think I just lived in an imaginary world. I was always playing war in the woods, people are chasing me… I wasn’t doing it because I was desperate for friends. I had friends.”

On the TV show, The Biggest Loser: “I really do love it. It’s terrible and it’s bad, but I really do think it’s because I have an inner fat kid in me. I can completely lose myself into just absolutely satisfying things—a really amazing cheeseburger, a pizza, good fries, a beer. I enjoy being comfortable and eating whatever the hell I like.”

On cake: “I just love cake. Confetti cake, to be specific. It has little colored candies inside the cake, and then you get the confetti icing, which is really hard to find sometimes. It’s really hard to explain to people, because it’s not icing with sprinkles on top. It’s icing that actually has candies inside of it. It’s Funfetti icing. It’s a beautiful mix. It is an angel sent from heaven.”

On what Jonah Hill told Tatum he would do if Tatum was correct in his prediction that 21 Jump Street would break $35 million its opening weekend: “I will kiss your tip! I will kiss the tip of your d–k through your underwear if we make $35 million.”

Tatum on the bet: “I haven’t made him do it yet. For obvious reasons. That’s a bad bet to lose—it’s not too good to win, either. But definitely the shame of it would be enjoyable. It’s my trump card, for sure. He tries not to bring it up at all costs. Unless he did something horrible to me, I don’t know if I could ever cash it in. It would change our relationship forever.”

[From GQ]

Channing has talked about his “inner fat kid” before, and I believe him. I believe he only stays in shape because of his job – he would prefer to sit on a porch somewhere, drinking beer and eating ribs, Funions and confetti cake. Since I’m food-obsessed, I will say that I recently had a confetti cake Blizzard at Dairy Queen and I was really let down. As for the “high functioning alcoholic” thing – I think he just likes to drink…? There’s a difference between liking alcohol and needing alcohol to function. Channing just likes to drink. It’s not about alcoholism…?

This is how powerful Channing is – he just mentions in an interview (probably done a few months ago) that he loves Gambit, and wouldn’t you know, he gets cast as Gambit. That was just announced last week. Perfect timing, Chan.


Photos courtesy of Sebastian Kim/GQ.

