Dolphins star Xavien Howard accused of filming s*x videos one year after being sued for assault and

Miami Dolphins cornerback Xavien Howard has been accused of filming adult videos. Howard is expected to be the Dolphins starting cornerback for this season and is a big part of their defense. However, on Friday, reporter Andy Slater took to social media to claim that Howard is accused of making secret sexual videos and sharing

Miami Dolphins cornerback Xavien Howard has been accused of filming adult videos. Howard is expected to be the Dolphins starting cornerback for this season and is a big part of their defense.

However, on Friday, reporter Andy Slater took to social media to claim that Howard is accused of making secret sexual videos and sharing them:

"Miami Dolphins’ Xavien Howard is being accused of making secret sex videos and then sharing them, a lawsuit shows. Additionally, one woman got into his community this year and smashed his Bentley with a baseball bat. She was later arrested."

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In the video, you can see a woman using a bat to destroy what is presumably Howard's Bentley, which led to her arrest.

With a lawsuit being filed as Slater reports, what this means for the future of Howard in the NFL is uncertain. It will now go to the legal system, but given this news just dropped, it should be expected that the Dolphins and NFL will release a statement on the matter.

Howard's attorney, Brad Sohn has responded to Slater:

"This lawsuit is a dead loser. Period, full stop. We will be seeking dismissal on legal several deficiencies on Monday but in terms of the substance of the case there is just no merit to it.”

Xavien Howard's legal history

The cornerback was arrested by the Davie Police Department on domestic battery charges in 2019. His former fiancee and the mother of his three children served him with a lawsuit just before the Miami Dolphins faced the Buffalo Bills in 2022.

Per the arrest report (via ESPN), Howard grabbed his fiancée by both her arms and pushed her against the wall in the hall of their bedroom, causing her to fall. An officer "observed scratches and redness on her right wrist/forearm from Howard grabbing her and abrasion and redness from the fall."

Back in March, it was revealed that the lawsuit against Xavien Howard for allegedly giving a woman a sexually transmitted disease was dropped.

Howard was sued back in October 2022 as the woman claimed the Pro Bowler knowingly gave her an “incurable STD." However, the lawsuit was eventually dropped, but before that, Howard's lawyer released a statement defending his client.

"The serious but baseless allegations alleged in this lawsuit - some of which have already been recanted by the accuser - have already been thoroughly investigated TWICE, resulting in both law enforcement and the NFL exonerating Xavien of any wrongdoing. "When Xavien refused to pay the $12 million demanded in exchange for not filing the case, it was unfortunately filed," part of the statement read.

Although that lawsuit got dropped, Xavien Howard now has another one on his hands, according to Andy Slater.

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