EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Teen Star Jeffrey Miller

Jeffrey Miller is a 16-year-old American singer who rose to fame at the tender age of 13, after he uploaded videos of himself singing on Vine. His internet stardom brought him lots of TV appearances as he was invited onto shows such as Good Morning America.

Jeffrey Miller is a 16-year-old American singer who rose to fame at the tender age of 13, after he uploaded videos of himself singing on Vine.

His internet stardom brought him lots of TV appearances as he was invited onto shows such as Good Morning America.

He is now promoting his new single ‘Live For the Night‘, which is taken off his upcoming EP ‘Rise’.

Here Jeffrey Miller chats exclusively to Celeb Mix  about his rise to stardom at such a young age, his future plans, and much, much more.

You began singing at a very young age, who gave you the confidence to pursue that as a career? 

I think it was really just my love for music that gave me the confidence to go after this dream. It also really helps to have such supportive family and friends. The love and positivity from my fans encourages me to keep going and working hard.  

Who inspired you to start making music? 

My grandpa was a big inspiration for me. He sang on the radio when he was young, so I think that’s where I got this talent from. He bought me my first guitar when I was around 6-years-old and I’ve been making music ever since.  

When you first started posting videos on the internet did you ever guess it would all get this big?  

When I started posting videos online it was a way for me to share what I loved and get my voice out in the world, but I never expected any of the videos to get the response they did. Still to this day the attention is so surprising but also exciting.  

 How did you react when you were invited onto the ABC Good Morning America show? 

Being on GMA was such an amazing experience for me. When I received the invitation I couldn’t even believe it. I really thought it must’ve been someone playing a prank on me or something. It was a total dream come true!  

You also performed on the Meredith Vieria show, what was that like? 

Performing on the Meredith Vieira show was an absolute blast. My first ever TV performance. She was so kind and supportive. I was so lucky to get to sing on her show.   

What has been the best thing that has happened to you since you posted your first video?

The best thing that’s happened to me since I posted my first video is being able to create and release music. I’ve always loved to listen to and to write music and thanks to these videos, many doors have opened and I’ve been able to get in the studio and work with many talented people to create my new project ‘Rise’. I’m very proud of this EP and can’t wait for people to hear it. I’m so glad little 13-year-old me decided to pick up the phone and record some covers because so many supportive people showed up to my page and gave me the courage and positivity I needed to chase after my dream. I don’t know if I would be doing what I am today if it weren’t for all the love from so many people online.    

How did you feel when Meghan Trainor asked you up on stage?

Being a huge fan of Meghan Trainor and her music, it was so crazy to get to go up on stage and sing a little bit of one of my favourite songs by her, ‘Close Your Eyes’. I still can’t believe she called me up to sing during her set and I’m so thankful she did. Meghan’s so talented and such a kind and genuine person. It’s all love for her. Being up on that stage with her was unreal. I felt like I could do anything. It was truly an inspiring and awesome experience. 

How would you describe your sound?

I would describe this EP as vibey, soulful, and sincere. I think my sound is passionate, emotional and really just authentic to me. I take inspiration from a lot of artists like Justin Timberlake, Ed Sheeran, and many others. But that being said I don’t necessarily put it under a specific genre. I’m just focused on making music that comes from the heart and feels right. I personally enjoy the music I’ve made and think others will appreciate it and enjoy it too. I’m sure my sound will continue to evolve as I grow as an artist and a human being in general.  

If you could say anything to your fans, what would you say?

If I could say anything to my fans I would give them the biggest THANK YOU in the whole wide world. There’s really no other way to put it. I’m just so grateful for each and every one of them. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to accept and totally comprehend the fact that there are actually people out in the world that appreciate what I’m doing and enjoy the music I make. I don’t even consider any of them my fans, they’re more like friends to me. I’ve gotten to know a lot of them and I really value our relationship. I want to continue to meet and share special moments with all my fans. They are THE BEST.   

When can your fans expect an album from you?

I’m releasing an EP titled ‘Rise’. This project has been in the making for over a year now and I’m so thrilled to finally put it out. I hope the fans love it as much as I do. 

If you could collaborate with any artist in the world who would you choose?

Collaborating with Justin Timberlake would definitely be a dream come. I’d also love to work with many of my favourite artists/lyricists including Sia, Meghan Trainor, Ne-Yo, Pharrell Williams, Ariana Grande, Kehlani, Tori Kelly, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran and so many more. The list goes on and on.  

Where would be your dream venue to perform at?

Performing at the Grammys would be incredible. I’ve grown up watching the Grammys and admiring all the nominees and performers who share their creativity with the world so to perform on that stage would be absolutely unbelievable!!  

What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years?

I hope to continue to grow as an artist and keep on following this passion of mine. In 10 years I hope that every morning I’m able to wake up and feel like I have a purpose. I hope I know what I’m going to do that day and am excited for it. I want to be able to look back on the past 10 years and have no regrets. And own not only my achievements but my mistakes. I want to love what I’m doing every single day.  


Jeffrey Miller’s EP ‘Rise‘ is out on October 14th and is available to pre-order now.

Make sure you keep up to date with everything Jeffrey Miller is up to by following him on Twitter @itsjeffreymusic.   

What do you think of Jeffrey Miller’s new single ‘Live For the Night’? Did you enjoy our interview with him? Let us know your thoughts over on Twitter @CelebMix.  

