EXCLUSIVE: Interview With X Factor Star Bupsi Brown

Singer Bupsi Brown rose to fame back in 2015 when she reached the live finals of The X Factor as part of Simon Cowells team. Unfortunately for the bubbly hopeful she was voted out by the public on the first week but she has not let this set back hold her back.

Singer Bupsi Brown rose to fame back in 2015 when she reached the live finals of The X Factor as part of Simon Cowell’s team. Unfortunately for the bubbly hopeful she was voted out by the public on the first week but she has not let this set back hold her back.

Now she has returned to the spotlight with the release of her debut single ‘Turn It Up‘ which will be available to download from Friday, April 28th.


Here we speak exclusively to the rising star about her new single, X Factor experiences, future plans and lots more.

What have you been up to since X Factor?

I’ve been gigging and working on new material. 

If you could go back in time would you still enter as a contestant on X Factor?

Absolutely! The show gave me a fantastic opportunity and it really helped raise my profile as an artist that was the very moment Bupsi was born and it’s the best decision I ever made X Factor was an amazing moment in my life. I’m still thanking Simon Cowell for opening that door for me. 

Do you still keep in contact with Simon Cowell and or any of your fellow contestants?

I’m not in contact with Simon bless him but I do speak to a few contestants who were on the show the same year as me in 2015. 
Your debut single ‘Turn It Up’ is out this week, what was the inspiration behind the track?

The track is inspired by my life experiences and the lessons I have learnt; I’ve been burnt many times and at times have been a bit naive and trusted the wrong people. Over the years I have developed a thick skin, learnt to turn the negatives into positives, learnt not to let anything or anyone stand in my way and to always be true to myself. Turn it up is about rising up to the challenges of life, believing in yourself and not letting anything or anyone stop you from pursuing your dreams; in other words, get NASTY!   

When can fans expect an album from you?

I’m working very hard in the studio writing and recording new material at the moment I’m not going to commit to a time-frame for an album as yet but I most definitely will keep my fans informed of my progress. I will however be releasing some other songs in the very near future. 

Are you planning on touring this year?

Absolutely! And hopefully my fans will be able to see me perform my single because that’s what I love the most performing on the stage singing live and connecting and jamming with the audience. 

If you could collaborate with any artist who would you choose?

Sean Paul, I know he would totally spice up a nasty tune. With me it’s all about the vibes and the chemistry that’s put on the table! However there are many I have on my list because I also love a great ballad so Ed Sheeran I’d love to write or collab with him. 

Who are your musical inspirations?

Martha Reeves, I learnt so much from touring with her she knew how to capture the audience and keep them happy throughout every performance. [and] Tina Turner, the energy she brings is out of this world she sings from her gut she really knows how to tell a story through her voice and music…and many others! 

What do you hope to achieve over the next ten years?

I would love to have a successful singing career selling records, performing and touring all over the world, writing songs for other artists and working with great songwriters and musicians…

Make sure you follow Bupsi on Twitter @bupsibrown to keep up to date with all her latest music and tour news.

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