Gwyneth Paltrow thinks you can change water molecules by being mean to them

This story is literally a week old, but its slow this week and some sites have only just started to cover it. In last weeks Goop-letter, Gwyneth Paltrow shilled for one of her snake-oil salesmen, some guy who presents himself as a medical doctor. Thats been one of the most amazing things about Gwyneths Goop


This story is literally a week old, but it’s slow this week and some sites have only just started to cover it. In last week’s Goop-letter, Gwyneth Paltrow shilled for one of her snake-oil salesmen, some guy who presents himself as a medical doctor. That’s been one of the most amazing things about Gwyneth’s Goop – we get an insider’s look at the people Gwyneth surrounds herself with, and while I believe there are many celebrities who surround themselves with yes-men and enablers, the fact that Gwyneth doesn’t know the difference is somewhat unsettling. She will fall for anything having to do New Age crap, diets, juice fasts or “energies.” This was her Goop-letter:

I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter. I have long had Dr. Emoto’s coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it. Below, Dr. Sadeghi explores further.

Also we went to NYC last week and crushed a number of spots that deserve to make an update (and some that don’t).

Plus some other bits, remixes, and the like.


[From Goop]

You read that correctly. Gwyneth is promoting the work of Masaru Emoto, who conducts experiments where he literally hurts the feelings of water samples (he yells at the water) and then he freezes the samples and the water freezes in an unpleasant way. But he praises other water samples and freezes them and they freeze in a pleasant way. Basically, Gwyneth surrounds herself with people who think you shouldn’t yell at water because you’ll hurt water’s feelings. And that water changes at a molecular level because of feelings.

I stopped myself short of calling this crap a pseudo-science because… well, God knows. There’s scientific evidence to suggest that plants have energies and they respond to positive and negative stimuli, so maybe water is the same, although “feelings” won’t change water on a molecular level. That’s not the point. The point is that this is what Gwyneth spends her time thinking about – energies and water and how we’re all being “negative” and changing her molecular structure. She’s an idiot.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

