How Much Does Agricultural Lime Cost?

Contents Agricultural lime, also known as aglime, is a soil conditioner made from crushed limestone or dolomite. It contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Farmers and gardeners add agricultural lime to their soil to raise pH levels and neutralize acidic soils, which can improve crop yields and soil


How Much Does Agricultural Lime Cost?

Agricultural lime, also known as aglime, is a soil conditioner made from crushed limestone or dolomite. It contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Farmers and gardeners add agricultural lime to their soil to raise pH levels and neutralize acidic soils, which can improve crop yields and soil health.

The cost of agricultural lime varies depending on several factors, including the type of lime, the quantity purchased, and the location of the supplier. Generally, pelletized lime is more expensive than traditional aglime because of the added costs associated with processing and packaging.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Agricultural Lime

Type of Lime

There are various types of agricultural lime available, each with its own unique benefits and cost. Traditional aglime or ground limestone is the most affordable option, followed by hydrated lime and dolomitic lime. Pelletized lime is the most expensive option due to the added cost of processing and packaging.

Quantity Purchased

The cost of agricultural lime decreases as the quantity purchased increases. Farmers and gardeners who buy in bulk often get a lower price per ton compared to those who purchase smaller quantities.

Location of the Supplier

The cost of transportation can significantly affect the price of agricultural lime. Suppliers located near the buyer may offer lower prices compared to those located farther away.

How Much Does Agricultural Lime Cost?

The cost of agricultural lime can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, traditional aglime costs around $30 to $40 per ton. Hydrated lime and dolomitic lime range from $45 to $60 per ton. Pelletized lime can cost $200 per ton or more.


1. How much agricultural lime do I need?

The amount of agricultural lime needed depends on the soil pH and the type of crop to be grown. A soil test can determine the optimal amount of lime required. Generally, one ton of lime per acre is sufficient for raising soil pH by one point.

2. How often should I apply agricultural lime?

The frequency of application depends on the soil pH and the crop grown. Generally, agricultural lime should be applied every 2 to 3 years to maintain soil pH levels.

3. Can I use agricultural lime on all types of soil?

Agricultural lime is effective on most types of soil, including clay, sand, and silt. However, it may not be effective in extremely acidic or alkaline soils.

4. Can I apply agricultural lime at any time?

Agricultural lime can be applied at any time, but it is most effective when applied in the fall or winter months before planting.

5. Can agricultural lime harm plants?

Agricultural lime can be harmful to plants if applied in excess. It can cause nutrient imbalances and stunt plant growth. It is important to follow recommended application rates.

6. Can I apply agricultural lime by hand?

Agricultural lime can be applied by hand, but it is more efficient to use a lime spreader or a tractor-mounted spreader for large areas.

7. Can I mix agricultural lime with other fertilizers?

Agricultural lime can be mixed with most fertilizers, but it should not be mixed with fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate as it can cause the release of toxic gases.

8. Is agricultural lime safe for pets?

Agricultural lime is not toxic to pets or animals, but it may cause irritation to their skin, eyes, or respiratory system. It is recommended to keep pets away from freshly applied lime.

9. Is agricultural lime safe for humans?

Agricultural lime is not toxic to humans, but it can cause skin and eye irritation. It is recommended to wear protective gloves and goggles when handling agricultural lime.

10. Where can I buy agricultural lime?

Agricultural lime can be purchased from local agricultural supply stores, garden centers, or online retailers.

11. Can I store agricultural lime?

Agricultural lime should be stored in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area to prevent moisture buildup. It should be stored away from flammable materials.

12. How long does agricultural lime last?

Agricultural lime does not expire but can lose its effectiveness over time. It is recommended to use lime within 2 years of purchase for best results.

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