How to find the lost husband in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is an action RPG developed by Team Ninja set in The Three Kingdoms Era (184 A.D.). The game features a variety of side stories in addition to intense boss battles. In one of these side stories, players encounter a concerned woman in the Hidden Village area of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is an action RPG developed by Team Ninja set in The Three Kingdoms Era (184 A.D.). The game features a variety of side stories in addition to intense boss battles. In one of these side stories, players encounter a concerned woman in the Hidden Village area of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty who is searching for her missing husband.

To find the husband, players must complete three other side missions: The Uninhibited Heart, Let’s Make Our Armor Shine!, and Let’s Make Our Halberds Shine! In each encounter with the woman, players must give her some copper to help her in her search.

After unlocking the house of another NPC, players can locate the missing husband atop a mountain near the Blacksmith's forge.

Finding the lost husband in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty features a fair number of side missions, some of which can be initiated by speaking with the NPCs. The quest to find a missing husband begins when you first meet a concerned lady in the Hidden Village. This isn’t the final meeting as she will appear multiple times in three side missions in the game.

Your second encounter with the lady occurs during the side mission The Uninhibited Heart in the Fortitude region. You will notice a silo prominently visible behind a wall en route to raising the second Battle Flag. You can find the lady beside this silo. Hand over some copper to her and proceed with the side mission.

The next rendezvous with this lady happens during the Let’s Make Our Armor Shine! side mission in the Malice region. You will be on your way to find the gift Marking Flag within the ship. The lady can be found on the lower deck beside the ladder. You have to hand over some copper and go on to finish the side quest.

To interact with this NPC for the final time, you must initiate the Let’s Make Our Halberds Shine! in the Ascension region. However, you will have to reach the final area of this side quest to encounter her. She can be found in an area behind the rooftop and is in the vicinity of the chest that you are required to find as part of the side mission.

However, her morale is down at this juncture as she contemplates quitting the search for her husband. You must then participate in a side story that involves helping a Taoist unlock her house door. This woman can be found near the Blacksmith in the Hidden Village.

Once you complete this side quest, you can eventually locate the missing husband atop the mountain that lies beyond the Blacksmith and the Taoist’s house. After your interaction with him, the man returns to meet the concerned lady.

More about Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty presents a world infested with demons and pits you against ferocious enemies. To even the odds, you can summon mythical creatures or divine beasts to aid you in the game's brutal battles.

The game offers a variety of weapons such as Dual Swords, Javelins, Sabers, Bows, and more, which can be upgraded at the Blacksmith in the Hidden Village. Additionally, you can change the look of weapons and armor to give them a unique appearance that suits your style.

Apart from the aforementioned weapons, you can leverage the plethora of spells that are categorized into the Wood Phase, Metal Phase, Fire Phase, Earth Phase, and Water Phase. You can peruse this article for the best skills or spells in the Fire Phase. There are fourteen spells in each of the above categories, each of which requires a certain amount of Spirit to be cast.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC and has garnered fairly positive reviews. If you enjoy the challenging combat in Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Nioh, then you will surely appreciate the high-intensity combat in this game.

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