How to reach Zephyr to find Dr. Giblets in High on Life

While High on Life isnt exactly a challenging and complicated game to figure out, there are certain parts of quest progression that many in the community find rather complicated. One such mission is to collect the bounty on Dr. Giblets. But to do so, you need to make your way to Zephyr. Finding and reaching

While High on Life isn’t exactly a challenging and complicated game to figure out, there are certain parts of quest progression that many in the community find rather complicated. One such mission is to collect the bounty on Dr. Giblets. But to do so, you need to make your way to Zephyr. Finding and reaching Zephyr is what many players struggle with in Squanch Games’ latest action adventure.

Justin Roiland, one of the makers of the Adult Swim TV show Rick and Morty, is one of the creators of the game, which features a comical take on the narrative, like the one in the show. This is one of the reasons why so many in the community want to explore the quirky alien world that High on Life brings to the table.

Hence, the following guide will help those who seem stuck trying to find a way to reach Zephyr to find Dr. Giblets in High on Life.

Reaching Zephyr in High on Life

As mentioned, many High on Life players seem to have a fair bit of trouble trying to make their way to Zephyr. Hence, to be able to find Dr. Giblets, you will need to,

  • Make your way back to your house and reach the living room as soon as you activate the bounty. You will now see the bounties section while you interact with the machine. Dr. Giblets will be one of the bounty options. Hence, navigating to him, you will need to check the reward for completing the bounty and clock on the second available option.
  • After hitting the second option on the Bounty machine, the Portal section will open, where you will then see the option to select Zephyr Paradise. You will find the world under different unlocked Worlds in the game.
  • Upon selecting the world, you will receive further options like Deep Jungle, Upper Valley, and Jungle Clearing, which are various regions of the planet. However, if you want to find Dr. Giblets in High on Life specifically, you will need to select the Jungle option, as it is where you can encounter the bounty.
  • Hence, after clicking on the Deep Jungle option, the Portal will directly take you to that portion of Zephyr where the bounty is located. Now all you need to do is to pass through the Portal, and you will reach the Deep jungle of Zephyr.

Zephyr is not the only planet you will need to reach like this in High on Life. Other worlds include Nova Sanctus, Port Terrene, and the Unknown Sector.

You can journey to these worlds via the Bounty machine. After selecting the location, the portal will activate, and it will automatically teleport you there. It’s one of the core progression features you will need to familiarize yourself with in High on Life.

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