With the new season, Destiny 2 receives a brand new Seasonal Artifact. Following the release of The Witch Queen, Guardians will now be able to get their hands on the Synaptic Spear, which will be the Seasonal Artifact for Season of the Risen.
The Synaptic Spear will allow players to unlock Armor Mods which they can introduce to their build to add a bit of variety to their load-outs.
While the artifact is not too difficult to obtain, the steps to get it aren't the most straightforward.
Here's an in-depth guide to unlocking the artifact in The Witch Queen expansion.
Unlocking the Synaptic Spear Seasonal Artifact in Destiny 2 The Witch Queen
To get the artifact, players will need to complete the first campaign mission of The Witch Queen, which is titled ‘The Arrival’.
Once the introductory mission is over, Guardians will need to make their way back to the Enclave, which can be easily done by selecting Savatun’s Throne World from the Directory and then selecting it from the far left.
Upon launching the mission and landing in the world, players will be required to talk to Ikora, who will be providing them with the Synaptic Spear.
The item will reflect on the Character screen, and then players can start unlocking Armor mods by gaining XP and completing tasks.
Additionally, players will be able to completely unlock the Synaptic Spear, especially if they like grinding for XP. In earlier seasons, Bungie only allowed players to unlock 12 Armor Mods on a Season Artifact, forcing them to spend Glimmer to reset it, which is no longer the case.
If players are interested in investing in the grind, then they can unlock all 25 Armor Mods, and the need for a reset will not arise.
It’s also important to note that when a player obtains The Witch Queen Seasonal Artifact, the Season of the Risen campaign will automatically begin. Like previous seasons, the campaign will follow a multi-week structure, and while it’s closely amalgamated with The Witch Queen, the campaigns are separate.
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