Megan Barnard wish after being outed by Tom Morris WhatsApp message

Whatever youre feeling, youre going to be OK. Its a life lesson more than a decade in the making and one that Fox sports presenter Megan Barnard never thought shed be sharing with the wider public.

Whatever you’re feeling, you’re going to be OK.

It’s a life lesson more than a decade in the making and one that Fox sports presenter Megan Barnard never thought she’d be sharing with the wider public.

But in an exclusive interview in Stellar magazine today, the 37-year-old has revealed her own traumatic coming out process and hopes her own story will help inspire — and educate — others.

Earlier this year, Barnard was abruptly thrust into the spotlight by a sacked colleague’s degrading remarks about her sexuality.

Her former colleague Tom Morris subsequently apologised on Twitter but Barnard is not seeking an apology.

What she wants is understanding and the wish that by sharing her story it will lead to people not outing others.

Outing a person rarely brings us closer to their truth and whether it’s an athlete or someone with a public profile, Barnard says people should always remain in control of their own narrative.

“No one should ever be forced to come out before they’re ready, it can be dangerous,” she said.

“Some people might not think it’s a big deal in this day and age but it still is, no one knows what you suffered when you were younger and talking about your sexuality is such a private, personal piece of you.

“People have messaged to share their stories, struggles and fears of coming out — and of being outed.

“I have tried to respond to everyone that has contacted me.

“And if this resonates with just one person and makes them realise it’s OK to be gay, that it’s not something to hide or run from then sitting down for this article has been worth it.”


