National Pet Day April 11th Grab Your Fur Baby and Show Them Some Love

April 11th is National Pet Day! Grab your fur baby and show them some love. If youre pet-less you can still observe the most important holiday of the year by heading down to an animal shelter to do some good. Pet every dog, sacrifice yourself to the cats. Whatever feels right. In fact, you could

April 11th is National Pet Day! Grab your fur baby and show them some love. If you’re pet-less you can still observe the most important holiday of the year by heading down to an animal shelter to do some good. Pet every dog, sacrifice yourself to the cats. Whatever feels right. In fact, you could probably solve that pet-less problem you seem to have and adopt an animal. Treat yo’self.

If you need any motivation to celebrate NPD (doubtful) here’s some celebs who posted in 2016:

Just when we thought we couldn’t love Barack Obama any more, he goes and posts these. We can’t get enough of Sunny and Bo, the Obama’s Portuguese water dogs. The former leader of the United States has a soft spot for man’s best friend and we have a soft spot for him.

Eloquently put by Betty White, every day is National Dog Day as far as we’re concerned. It’s the wrong holiday but we figured this post of her 12 year old pup, Pontiac, was way too cute not to share.

Sex and the City star Kristin Davis fostered two dogs nine years ago. The rescues, Sammy and Momma, lucked out when they landed with Davis who took very little convincing to keep the pair fur-ever.

Gretchen Carlson, the woman-warrior millionaire journalist celebrates with Bella, the Lagotto Romagnollo and her daughter. Carlson’s a conservative champion for women’s rights, focusing on changing the way workplace harassment is dealt with. Gretchen was crowned Miss America in 1989; she has since debunked the dumb-blonde beauty queen stereotype through her many successes. She was even accused by Jon Stewart of “stashing her IQ in an offshore account”.

Kirstin Maldonado the singer-songwriter and member of the a cappella group Pentatonix shows off her huskies, Olaf and Pascal.

In between fighting crime as Wonder Woman and killing it on the catwalk, Gal Gadot finds time for her fur baby Lola. Gadot is ex-Israeli military – Lola the wonder dog couldn’t have hoped for a fiercer dog-mom

Sharon Stone’s little Bully, Joe Stone, brings squishy-face cute to a whole new level. She also has a Snowshoe housecat, Jackson Stone, who meows “mom” when he needs attention.

Ashley Tisdale, the singer/actress, has a fluffy white puppy named Maui. The former Disney Star’s talents seem to have rubbed off on the Maltese-Poodle who steals hearts with a tiny tap-dance she does when excited. Everyone who meets the tiny fluff ball falls in love, Tisdale’s nicknamed the phenomenon “Maui Fever”.

Jacob Tremblay, child star of the 2015 film Room is just an average kid who loves his dog. Rey is a Toy Poodle named after the Star Wars heroine played by Daisy Ridley. The family of five got Rey after months of wearing down father, Jason Tremblay.

Even Oprah took time to hand out freebies to her pups. Classic Oprah.

The holiday was started by Colleen Paige, an animal welfare advocate, in 2006 to bring awareness to the ongoing need for pet adoption. This all-species-inclusive day is not to be confused with the feline specific National Hairball Awareness Day (yes, it’s a real thing. We checked). Cats, so elitist.

