The Dark Triads possible return, a familiar face reappears, all Ryuzens are revealed

Black Clover chapter 344 spoilers were leaked earlier this week, and they confirm several fan theories regarding the Paladins and the Dark Triad. The chapter primarily focuses on Lucius and his subordinates, but all seven Ryuzens are also introduced in this issue.

Black Clover chapter 344 spoilers were leaked earlier this week, and they confirm several fan theories regarding the Paladins and the Dark Triad. The chapter primarily focuses on Lucius and his subordinates, but all seven Ryuzens are also introduced in this issue.

Black Clover returns after mangaka Tabata took a two-week emergency break due to health issues. This chapter 344 contains 15 pages, which is set to be the norm from now on. Hopefully, the mangaka’s health is fine, given that there is no break next week.

Disclaimer: This chapter contains spoilers for Black Clover chapter 344.

Black Clover chapter 344 spoilers show the return of Morris and the Dark Triad as all seven Ryuzens are introduced

According to the Black Clover chapter 344 spoilers, the chapter begins with Lucius talking to Morris, who is wheelchair-bound. Morris has lost an arm and a leg as a consequence of Lucifero’s possession. The raw scans show that Lucius is static at the moment, seated in a chair that is connected to three womb-like cocoons. These cocoons harbor his three younger siblings, who seem to be healing.

Lucius touches Morris’ chest and begins to restore him. He even restores his sight despite the fact that Morris was born blind. He states that he wanted to give the man “salvation.” After Morris is healed, Lucius taps his forehead and urges him to use his science and Modification Magic to bring peace to the new world. After thinking that Lucius’ magic is so far beyond Recovery Magic that it can be equated to God’s power, Morris agrees to his request.

Lily and the Paladins arrive at the Land of the Sun (Image via Yuki Tabata/Shueisha)

Afterward, Lucius calls Lily to him and informs her that he has seen the future take an unfavorable turn in a faraway land, indicating the Land of the Sun. He asks Lily to take other Paladins and stop this future from coming true. Lily notes that Lucius is currently incapable of moving, thus making the Paladins responsible for neutralizing any roadblock to the ideal future.

When they arrive at the Land of the Sun, the Paladins are surprised to see that the towns have been evacuated. Lily orders her subordinates to carry out the operation, which prompts one of them, named Yururu, to use Beast Magic. He uses “Beast Magic: Holy Howling,” which takes the shape of a five-headed dragon.

However, the Paladins are faced with five of the Ryuzen Seven, who are waiting for them on a nearby roof led by Ichika. They declare their intention to protect their country at all costs when Black Clover chapter 344 cuts to Asta, who is distracted by the five-headed dragon appearing in the sky. It’s revealed that Asta is in the middle of another training session with the remaining two Ryuzen. One of them, the strongest of the seven Ryuzen, tells him to concentrate on training and bring out his true power.


Fans have long since speculated about the Dark Triad’s return, even more so after Lucius’ identity was revealed. During Asta’s battle with Lucifero’s manifestation, many readers came up with the theory that the three dark cocoons were somewhat related to the Dark Triad. Black Clover chapter 344 seems to have confirmed that theory. However, it is difficult to say whether Lucius is restoring them or leaching off their powers. Either way, he seems to be in the middle of a procedure and preparing for a final confrontation.

The cocoons as seen in chapter 316 (Image via Yuki Tabata/Shueisha)

In the Black Clover chapter 344 raw scans, when Lucius calls up Sister Lily, she appears in her human form. However, she is seen in her Paladin form in chapter 343. It is unclear whether Paladins can switch forms, and if so, whether they can remain undercover as humans undetected by Magic. It is also possible that the conversation between Lily and Lucius occurs in a mental or inner plane, and the appearance is not a physical representation.

Morris in the manga (Image via Yuki Tabata/Shueisha)

Morris’s return in Black Clover chapter 344 is a pivotal turning point because after Damnatio and presumably Heath, Lucius has brainwashed another familiar face into becoming his henchman. It is unclear how he plans to use Morris’ particular set of expertise, but resurrecting his siblings might be a likely course. Additionally, the other Paladin who resembles Rades has used Beast Magic, which has previously only been used by Vetto.

All seven Ryuzens are also introduced in Black Clover chapter 344. While Ichika seems to be in a position of command amongst them, this new Ryuzen claims to be the strongest. He uses the egotistical pronoun “Ore-Sama,” which the leakers have translated as “the Almighty Me.” It appears that Asta’s training is far from over, and readers are unlikely to see another showdown between him and Sister Lily anytime soon.

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