The Meaning Behind The Song: GET SILLY FREESTYLE by Tay-K

Get Silly Freestyle is a freestyle song that utilizes the beat from Get Silly by V.I.C. This track was released as a part of Tay-Ks Capital Murder 101 mixtape. The lyrics of this song reflect Tay-Ks thug-like mentality and his unapologetic approach to life.

Album#3Tay-K47 (2017)
Release DateOctober 21, 2016
GenreRap, Texas Rap, Crunk, Freestyle, Remix
ProducerSoulja Boy, Mr. Collipark, Salih Williams, Tomar Williams & The Package Store

“Get Silly Freestyle” is a freestyle song that utilizes the beat from “Get Silly” by V.I.C. This track was released as a part of Tay-K’s “Capital Murder 101” mixtape. The lyrics of this song reflect Tay-K’s thug-like mentality and his unapologetic approach to life.

In his verse, Tay-K talks about his extravagant lifestyle and the material possessions he has acquired. He mentions splurging at North Park, a popular shopping center, and being able to provide for his significant other. Tay-K also refers to his crew, stating that they are willing to go to extreme measures to protect their territory and seek revenge if necessary.

Despite his young age, Tay-K exhibits a sense of power and dominance throughout the song. He confidently asserts that he will never deviate from the path he has chosen, promising to stick to his principles and never flip the page. This is a nod to his dedication to his criminal lifestyle and his refusal to conform to societal norms.

The lyrics also reference Tay-K’s familiarity with firearms and his readiness to use them if provoked. He boasts about his aim and compares his long clip to his own manhood, showcasing his machismo. Tay-K warns his enemies not to underestimate him and describes the consequences they will face if they try to challenge him.

While the lyrics of “Get Silly Freestyle” may come across as braggadocious and violent, they give us a glimpse into Tay-K’s reality and the world he comes from. Growing up in a tough neighborhood can have a profound impact on an individual’s psyche, leading them to adopt a hardened persona as a form of survival.

It’s important to acknowledge the societal and environmental factors that contribute to the creation of these types of lyrics. The music industry often serves as an outlet for artists to express their experiences and emotions, even if they are unconventional or taboo.

Personally, I find “Get Silly Freestyle” to be a captivating and energetic track. While the lyrics depict a lifestyle that may be far removed from my own, the rawness and intensity of the song are undeniably powerful. The combination of Tay-K’s delivery and the infectious beat creates an undeniable appeal that draws listeners in.

However, it’s crucial to listen to songs like this with a critical ear. It’s important to understand the context in which they were created and the messages they convey. By examining the lyrics and analyzing the artist’s intentions, we can gain a deeper understanding of the song and the emotions it elicits.

In conclusion, “Get Silly Freestyle” by Tay-K offers a glimpse into the mind of a young artist navigating the challenges of a harsh environment. While it may be easy to dismiss the lyrics as violent or immoral, it is essential to approach them with an open mind, seeking to understand the underlying meaning and the artist’s motivations.

