Zhang Ziyi shameful topless photo scandal

Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous Chinese actresses in the world. She has appeared in films like Rush Hour 2 and Memoirs of a Geisha, exposing a strong, athletic yet delicate build and a quiet, determined presence on the screen. People are looking at her in a new light, however, after paparazzi pictures

Zhang Ziyi is one of the most famous Chinese actresses in the world. She has appeared in films like Rush Hour 2 and Memoirs of a Geisha, exposing a strong, athletic yet delicate build and a quiet, determined presence on the screen. People are looking at her in a new light, however, after paparazzi pictures came online of a topless Zhang and her amorous Israeli fiance. It is unknown whether Zhang knew she was being photographed (doubtful), but that hasn’t stopped everyone from her worldwide fans to the Chinese government from having a massive hissy fit.

Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi has been chastised by her fellow countrymen after topless photos of the star cavorting on a beach with her Israeli fiance surfaced online.

The Memoirs of a Geisha beauty, 29, was recently snapped sunbathing on a Caribbean beach wearing just a pair of bikini bottoms as her billionaire lover Vivi Nevo touched her intimately.

The holiday images have sparked outrage in conservative China, with some detractors branding her “shameless”.

One critic writes on an internet forum, “Zhang Ziyi is really shameless. She is with a foreigner, but should remember certain conduct is expected of Chinese women.”

The pictures have since been censored by China’s internet authorities and have been removed from many websites.

[From New Magazine]

What’s so shameful again? Nudity? Sunbathing? Cavorting? Being amorous with your fiance? Is there some kind of book on ‘the most shameful things to the Chinese government’? I looked at a couple of the pictures, and I’ve seen more shameful beach cavorting with celebrities and their dogs. So what’s with the massive over-reaction by the Chinese people and the government? Can’t a girl get some at the beach? She’s on vacation!

Zhang Ziyi and her boyfriend are shown at Fashion Week on 7/1/08, in Cannes on 5/22/08, and at a Time event on 5/8/08. Credit: WENN

